There are 248 Gram Panchayats under 6 Development Blocks of District Hamirpur. The detail is as under:
Sr. No. | Name of the Block | Name of Gram Panchayats |
1 | Hamirpur |
2 | Nadaun |
3 | Bijhari |
4 | Bhoranj |
5 | Sujanpur |
6 | Bamson |
There are 248 Gram Panchayats under 6 Development Blocks of District Hamirpur. The detail is as under:
Sr. No. | Name of the Block | Name of Gram Panchayats |
1 | Hamirpur |
2 | Nadaun |
3 | Bijhari |
4 | Bhoranj |
5 | Sujanpur |
6 | Bamson |